
Showing posts with the label Holy Quran

What is the importance of memorizing the Noble Qur’an?

The Holy Quran God - the Highest - sent His Prophet Muhammad - may God’s prayers and peace be upon him - to be the last of the prophets and the last of the messengers, and to call all people to the call of monotheism, the final  message of the heavenly messages of  Islam. His eternal miracle was the immortality of his message and his calling, which is the  Noble Qur’an , which came in its eloquence, eloquence, content, and meaning, a miracle for all people, Arabs, and non-Arabs. Or wasting it, and he said emphasizing that: (Indeed, We have sent down the Remembrance, and We will preserve it).   Due to the  status of the Qu ran among Jmaaa Muslims and his rank in their hearts and its impact on their lives and impairing the  various aspects of the  worship of  transactions and ethics, and being a  constitution that  regulates the  life of a  Muslim The Muslims, individuals, and countries, taking care of the Holy Qur’an, and o...